Friday, April 14, 2006


Alright, a lot of people are using sites such as MySpace, and this requires a certain competancy at HTML. HTML codes use tags, there's a beginning tag <b> and an end tag </b>

Here are some basic html commands:

<b>: makes text bold <b>bold text</b>
<u>: makes text underlined <u>underlined text</u>
<i>: makes text italic <i>italic text</i>
<a>: makes a link <a href="">hyperlink text</a>
<img src="">: Displays an image <img src="Link to image" />
<p>: makes a new paragraph;
<br>: makes a line break
<bgcolor>: changes background color
<text>:changes text color

This is all pretty straightforward, I'll make a more advanced tutorial with codes that are more "fun" per se.

'Till next time...

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